football Edit

A Big Impact Guy?

Career Stats: 48 career games, 136 tackles (68 solo), 30.5 tackles for loss, 16.5 sacks

PFF Grade in 2022: 85.7 (13 games)

High: 91.4 - VMI

Low: 56.3- Clemson

Eligibility Remaining: One year

Why he and Oklahoma Make Sense: Oklahoma needs difference makers in the front four, and perhaps nowhere more clearly in those who can apply pressure. Bothroyd has ample track record of just that and some familiarity with pieces of the Oklahoma staff makes for an interesting fit.

What's on Tape: A natural pass rusher who loves to be aggressive and make plays behind the line of scrimmage. Bothroyd has a.good center of balance that allows him to maintain his speed as he turns the corner.
